I'm back everyone! Yep back from the Land of the Rising Sun! Spent the past 8 days there and it was a really good getaway with my family! (: I'll blog about it over the next few days, for now I'm just doing a random post before I get to bed haha.
Now that my holiday is over, SATs over, prom over, and A Levels longgg over, I can finally do whatever I want (in Singapore)! Not that the holiday or prom is a burden (they were both enjoyable), but it's like now's really the time for me to chillax after one long year of hard work and busy studying. I've borrowed two books from the library before the trip and I'm quite embarrassed to say that even though I brought one along with me I didn't get past the third chapter oops. >< So reading is definitely on my list.
BAKING. I really wanna bake and I'm also gonna start soon. Seems like more and more people are starting to bake too. Either we're hopping on the bandwagon or motivated by our love to eat good food (that we bake) haha.
Ok just a short one tonight, I should wind down and go sleep. So long~