Irritable blog templates

Recently I've been trying to change my blogskin/blog template. And it's a very frustrating process. I wanna have a change to my blogskin and have those sliders at the top, and because there're those new blogger templates that can do this, I decided to try and change it.

The new blogger templates look quite nice, well some of them, and I spotted a few that are used by some bloggers that I follow. I saw a few that I like, so I tried to change it. And then here comes the problem. It's either:
- the blog layout is too narrow/wide
- the dates to each blog post don't show up
- there's a repeat of my header
- the font somehow can't be edited

Whoa over the past few days I was so frustrated over these problems kay. Whenever I thought I found the 'perfect' (or near perfect) blog skin, one of the above problems just have to crop up. I feel like an IT nerd whenever these things happen. >( 

I even reverted back and forth between the old template and the new one, like to 'restart' the whole thing. But... to no avail. Gahh, in the end I gave up and just changed the picture of this skin, which is what you're seeing now.

Ok I know this post is very random. Haha but this is my blog... And I'm random just like that lol. I know I've not been super regular in my postings, and I'm trying to. But because of my office job which requires me to stare at the computer screen the whole day, by the time I get back home most of the time I don't feel like using the comp anymore. Eyes are too tired already bleh. :(

This is me with squinty eyes at the end of the day.

And this is me being angsty that my eyes are tired from all the computer work. >(

Hahaha I just googled some images of squinty eyes and that's what came up. So apt.

Wow I'm extremely random today. *Inserts cry/laugh emoji*